Abia plecă inspectorul şi cineva sună la uşă. Anthony deschise. Era un băieţel cu un pachet în mînâ.
— Un comision pentru dumneavoastră, domnule.
Anthony îl luă surprins. Nu aştepta nici un fel de pachet. Intră în salon şi-i tăie sfoara.
Un set de pahare de lichior l
Pe fundul unui pahar zări' un trandafiraş artificial. Mintea îi zbură înapoi în strada Kirk. în camera de la etaj.
Traduceriautorizate.biz va ofera si servicii de traduceri legalizate pentru traduceri de acte : diplome, acte auto, foi matricole, certificate, caziere, contracte, sentinte etc.
De asemenea va oferim servicii de interpretariat consecutiv sau simultan pentru intalniri de afaceri, reprezentarea cetatenilor straini in fata autoritatilor, conferinte, interviuri, delegatii si diverse alte evenimente.
„îmi placi... da, îmi placi. Să ţii minte asta orice s-ar întîmpla, da ?"
Erau vorbele ei. Orice s-ar întîmpla... A vrut să spună că...
Anthony îşi reveni din visare.
„Aşa nu mai merge !", se admonestă de unul singur.
Ochii îi căzură pe maşina de scris şi se aşeză cu o figurâ decisă.
Din nou, faţa lui căpătă o traduceri autorizate expresie visă-toare. Şalul Celor o Mie de Flori. Ce se gă-sise oare pe podea, lîngă cadavru ? Lucrul acela groaznic, care explica întreg misterul...
Nimic, desigur, din moment ce totul nu fu-şese decît o născocire menită să-i distragă
atenţia şi povestitorul folosise trucul celor „O mie şi una de nopti" care se opresc în punctul cel mai interesant al povestirii. Dar n-ar putea fi acoîo şi un lucru groaznic, care să explice întrogul mister ? N-ar putea ? Dacă cineva şi-ar pune mintea la contribuţie ?...
Anthony smulsc foaia din maşina traduceri legalizate de scris şi puse alta. Bătu îa maşină titlul :
O clipă sau două îl privi în iinişte.
Apoi începu să bată vertiginos...
marți, 19 aprilie 2011
Traduceri legalizate
traduceri araba,
traduceri autorizate,
traduceri legalizate,
traduceri rusa,
Foraje puturi apa potabila
Ce ? Oh, da ! Ha, ha, ha !,' rîse el al-bastru. Presupun că deja au plecat, nu ? Acei... acei prieteni ai mei, vreau să spun.
— O, da, domnule. Au plecat de mult. Am pus vaîizele în taxi şi domnul cel înalt a ur-cat din nou şi apoi au ieşit în fugă şi au ple-cat imediat... Scuzaţi-mă, domnule, e ceva în neregulă ?
Rogers avea tot dreptul să întrebe. Gea-mătul cavernos emis de Anthony ar fi născut bănuieli în mintea oricui.
— Totul este în neregulă, mulţumesc, Ro-gers. E clar eă tu nu ai de ce să fi învinuit Lasă-mâ, vreau să stau la o mică şuetă cu te-lefonul.
Cinci minute mai tîrziu, Anthony se con-fesa inspectorului Driver, care stătea în fata lui cu blocnotesul în mînă. Un individ neplă-cut, inspectorul Driyer (reflectă Anthony) şi care nu arăta mai deloc a inspector. De fapt, era teatral de-a binelea. încă un exemplu grăitor al superiorităţii Artei asupra Naturii !
Anthony ajunse la capătul povestirii. Ins-pectorul închise blocnotesul.
— Ei, bine ?, se interesă Anthony îngri-jorat.
— Clar ca bună ziua, rosti inspectorul. E banda lui Patterson. Au făcut o multime de
Punerea în producţie a puţului forat se desfasoara în trei faze: decolmatare, deznisipare, pompare experimentală şi testare foraje puturi.
Colmatarea se caracterizează prin micşorarea permeabilităţii stratului acvifer din jurul puţului ca urmare a operaţiilor de foraje puturi apa, când calitatea fluidului de foraj şi diferenţa de presiune dintre acesta şi strat permit intrarea fluidului în stratul acvifer.
Prima fază de punere în producţie pentru puţurile la care stratul acvifer a fost traversat cu noroi de foraj este decolmatarea. La puţurile pentru apă, la care stratul acvifer nu a fost traversat cu fluid de foraj, nu este nevoie de această fază, deoarece apa din strat, la intrarea în gaura de puţ, nu întâlneşte rezistenta produsă de colmatare
chestii istete în ultima vreme. Un bărbat înalt, blond, unul mai scund, brunet şi fata.
— Fata ?
— Da, brunetă şi foarte drăguţă... De obi-cei e folosită ca momeală.
— O... spaniolă ?
— Puteţi să-i spuneti şi aşa. S-a născut la Hampstead.
— Am spus eu că e un loc foarte tonic !
•murmură Anthony.
— Da, e suficient de limpede, spuse ins-pectorul şi se ridică să plece. V-a prins la te-lefon şi v-a îmbrobodit cu o poveste. Şi-a în-chipuit că o să veniţi. Apoi s-a dus \e Mama Gibson, care nu se dă în lături să accepte un bacşiş, deoarece găseşte jenant să-i iase să se întîlnească în public... amantii, atâcă, înţele-geţi, nimic criminal. Cazi în cursă, ei te aduc înapoi acasă şi, în timp ce unul î'vi îndrugă o poveste, celâlalt o şterge cu pr:ida. în mod cert banda foraje lui Patterson, e mîn.> lor.
— Şi lucrurile mele ?, se interesă neliniş-tit Anthony.
— Facem tot ce putem, domnule. Dar sînt deosebit de vicleni.
— Aşa şi par, oftă Anthony amărît.
— O, da, domnule. Au plecat de mult. Am pus vaîizele în taxi şi domnul cel înalt a ur-cat din nou şi apoi au ieşit în fugă şi au ple-cat imediat... Scuzaţi-mă, domnule, e ceva în neregulă ?
Rogers avea tot dreptul să întrebe. Gea-mătul cavernos emis de Anthony ar fi născut bănuieli în mintea oricui.
— Totul este în neregulă, mulţumesc, Ro-gers. E clar eă tu nu ai de ce să fi învinuit Lasă-mâ, vreau să stau la o mică şuetă cu te-lefonul.
Cinci minute mai tîrziu, Anthony se con-fesa inspectorului Driver, care stătea în fata lui cu blocnotesul în mînă. Un individ neplă-cut, inspectorul Driyer (reflectă Anthony) şi care nu arăta mai deloc a inspector. De fapt, era teatral de-a binelea. încă un exemplu grăitor al superiorităţii Artei asupra Naturii !
Anthony ajunse la capătul povestirii. Ins-pectorul închise blocnotesul.
— Ei, bine ?, se interesă Anthony îngri-jorat.
— Clar ca bună ziua, rosti inspectorul. E banda lui Patterson. Au făcut o multime de
Punerea în producţie a puţului forat se desfasoara în trei faze: decolmatare, deznisipare, pompare experimentală şi testare foraje puturi.
Colmatarea se caracterizează prin micşorarea permeabilităţii stratului acvifer din jurul puţului ca urmare a operaţiilor de foraje puturi apa, când calitatea fluidului de foraj şi diferenţa de presiune dintre acesta şi strat permit intrarea fluidului în stratul acvifer.
Prima fază de punere în producţie pentru puţurile la care stratul acvifer a fost traversat cu noroi de foraj este decolmatarea. La puţurile pentru apă, la care stratul acvifer nu a fost traversat cu fluid de foraj, nu este nevoie de această fază, deoarece apa din strat, la intrarea în gaura de puţ, nu întâlneşte rezistenta produsă de colmatare
chestii istete în ultima vreme. Un bărbat înalt, blond, unul mai scund, brunet şi fata.
— Fata ?
— Da, brunetă şi foarte drăguţă... De obi-cei e folosită ca momeală.
— O... spaniolă ?
— Puteţi să-i spuneti şi aşa. S-a născut la Hampstead.
— Am spus eu că e un loc foarte tonic !
•murmură Anthony.
— Da, e suficient de limpede, spuse ins-pectorul şi se ridică să plece. V-a prins la te-lefon şi v-a îmbrobodit cu o poveste. Şi-a în-chipuit că o să veniţi. Apoi s-a dus \e Mama Gibson, care nu se dă în lături să accepte un bacşiş, deoarece găseşte jenant să-i iase să se întîlnească în public... amantii, atâcă, înţele-geţi, nimic criminal. Cazi în cursă, ei te aduc înapoi acasă şi, în timp ce unul î'vi îndrugă o poveste, celâlalt o şterge cu pr:ida. în mod cert banda foraje lui Patterson, e mîn.> lor.
— Şi lucrurile mele ?, se interesă neliniş-tit Anthony.
— Facem tot ce putem, domnule. Dar sînt deosebit de vicleni.
— Aşa şi par, oftă Anthony amărît.
foraje puturi,
foraje puturi apa,
traduceri araba,
traduceri engleza,
traduceri franceza,
Scoala de soferi
Ceva mult mai groaznic. Ceva care ex-plică întregul mister al şalului şi scoate la iveală întreaga lui valoare... Scuză-mă, cred că e şeful...
într-adevăr, sunase cineva la uşă. Anthony îşi stăpîni nerăbdarea cum putu şi-1 aşteptă pe inspector să ,se reîntoarcă. Acum era sigur pe poziţii. De îndată ce-i vor lua amprentele, îşi scoala soferi vor da seama de eroarea comisă. Şi apoi poate îlA^a suna şi Carmen. Şalul Celor o Mie de Flori ! Ce poyeste stranie ! Exact genul de poveste care să cre-eze cadrul adecvat pentru frumuseţea desă-vîrşită şi sumbră a fetei. Carmen Ferrarez...
Se smulse din visare... Unde stă atîta ins-pectorul ? Se ridică şi deschise uşa brusc. în încăpere domnea o linişte stranie. Să fi ple-cat ? Nu fără să-i spună un cuvînt...
Se grăbi spre cealaltă cameră. Era goală ; la fel şi salonul. Ciudat de goală. Avea un as-pect pustiu, dezordonat. Cerule ! Picturile lui pe email... argintul !
îngrozit. străbătu în goană tot apartamen-tul. Aceea^! poveste ; apartamentul fusese go-lit, Toate obiectele de valoare — şi Anthony poseda gustul rafinat al unui colecţionar se-rios de lucruri mici — fuseseră luate.
Scoala de soferi este cea care va ofera tot sprijinul pentru a descoperi libertatea de miscare si bucuria de a conduce odata cu constientizarea responsabilitatii pe care o are fiecare sofer.
Va invitam sa studiati conditiile de inscriere si preturile cursurilor in paginile urmatoare, iar daca gasiti de cuviinta sa va alaturati familiei soferilor puteti sa ne contactati.
Cu un horcăit, Anthony se împletici pînă la un scaun pe care se prăbuşi cu capul în mîini. îl trezi soneria de la intrare. Deschise uşa şi se pomeni în faţă cu Rogers.
— Vă rog să mă scuzaţi, îi spuse acesta. Dar domnii şi-au închipuit că s-ar putea să aveţi nevoie de ceva.
— Domnii ?
— Cei doi prieteniai dumneavoastră, dom-nule. I-am ajutat la împachetat cît mi-a stat în puteri. Noroc că aveam două valize bune în subsol. — Ochii îi căzură pe podea. — Am măturat cît am putut de bine, domnule.
— Ai împachetat lucrurile aici ?, mugi Anthony.
— Bineînjeles, domnule. Nu asta aţi do-rit ?,Domnul cel înalt mi-a spus să împache-tez şi, dacă am văziit că eraţi ocupat să vor-biţi cu celălalt domn în camera mică, nu am vrut să vă deranjez.
— Nu eu vorbeam cu el, zise Anthony. El vorbea cu mine... Afurisit să fie !
Rogers tuşi.
— îmi pare foarte rău că a fost necesar, domnule, spuse.
— Necesar să ce ?
— Să vă despărţiţi de micile dumneavoas-tră comori, domnule.
într-adevăr, sunase cineva la uşă. Anthony îşi stăpîni nerăbdarea cum putu şi-1 aşteptă pe inspector să ,se reîntoarcă. Acum era sigur pe poziţii. De îndată ce-i vor lua amprentele, îşi scoala soferi vor da seama de eroarea comisă. Şi apoi poate îlA^a suna şi Carmen. Şalul Celor o Mie de Flori ! Ce poyeste stranie ! Exact genul de poveste care să cre-eze cadrul adecvat pentru frumuseţea desă-vîrşită şi sumbră a fetei. Carmen Ferrarez...
Se smulse din visare... Unde stă atîta ins-pectorul ? Se ridică şi deschise uşa brusc. în încăpere domnea o linişte stranie. Să fi ple-cat ? Nu fără să-i spună un cuvînt...
Se grăbi spre cealaltă cameră. Era goală ; la fel şi salonul. Ciudat de goală. Avea un as-pect pustiu, dezordonat. Cerule ! Picturile lui pe email... argintul !
îngrozit. străbătu în goană tot apartamen-tul. Aceea^! poveste ; apartamentul fusese go-lit, Toate obiectele de valoare — şi Anthony poseda gustul rafinat al unui colecţionar se-rios de lucruri mici — fuseseră luate.
Scoala de soferi este cea care va ofera tot sprijinul pentru a descoperi libertatea de miscare si bucuria de a conduce odata cu constientizarea responsabilitatii pe care o are fiecare sofer.
Va invitam sa studiati conditiile de inscriere si preturile cursurilor in paginile urmatoare, iar daca gasiti de cuviinta sa va alaturati familiei soferilor puteti sa ne contactati.
Cu un horcăit, Anthony se împletici pînă la un scaun pe care se prăbuşi cu capul în mîini. îl trezi soneria de la intrare. Deschise uşa şi se pomeni în faţă cu Rogers.
— Vă rog să mă scuzaţi, îi spuse acesta. Dar domnii şi-au închipuit că s-ar putea să aveţi nevoie de ceva.
— Domnii ?
— Cei doi prieteniai dumneavoastră, dom-nule. I-am ajutat la împachetat cît mi-a stat în puteri. Noroc că aveam două valize bune în subsol. — Ochii îi căzură pe podea. — Am măturat cît am putut de bine, domnule.
— Ai împachetat lucrurile aici ?, mugi Anthony.
— Bineînjeles, domnule. Nu asta aţi do-rit ?,Domnul cel înalt mi-a spus să împache-tez şi, dacă am văziit că eraţi ocupat să vor-biţi cu celălalt domn în camera mică, nu am vrut să vă deranjez.
— Nu eu vorbeam cu el, zise Anthony. El vorbea cu mine... Afurisit să fie !
Rogers tuşi.
— îmi pare foarte rău că a fost necesar, domnule, spuse.
— Necesar să ce ?
— Să vă despărţiţi de micile dumneavoas-tră comori, domnule.
firma de contabilitate,
foraje puturi apa,
scoala de soferi,
traduceri legalizate,
Traduceri araba romana
O furie nebună aflînd că şalul fusese vîndut şi a încercat zadarnic să-1 recupereze. Cînd în sfîrşit a găsit-o pe femeia care-1 cumpărase, aceasta i-a declarat că îl revînduse unei ne-cunoscute. Don Fernando era disperat. Două luni mai traduceri romana araba tîrziu a fost înjunghiat în plină stradă şi a murit din pricina rănilor. Din acel moment Anna Rosenborg a părut, în mod suspect, că pur şi simplu se scaldă în bani. în următorii zcce ani, casa ei din Hampstead a fost prădată de nu mai puţin de opt ori. Pa-tru dintre încercări au dat greş şi nimic nu a dispărut din casă ; în celelalte cazuri, printre lucrurile furate s-a aflat şi cîte un şal brodat. Inspectorul se opri puţin, apoi continuă în urma unui semn nerăbdător din partea lui Anthony :
— Cu o săptămînă în urmă, Carmen Fer-rarez, tînăra fată a lui Don Fernando, a so-sit la noi în ţară, venind dintr-o mînăstire din Franţa. Prima sa mişcare a fost să o caute pe Anna Rosenborg la Hampstead. De acolo ni s-a raportat că a avut o discuţie violentă cu bătrîna ; ultimele ei cuvinte înainte de des-părţire le-a auzit un servitor : „încă îl mai ai, a ţipat ea. în toţi anii ăştia te-ai îmbogătit de pe urma lui, dar îţi promit solemn că pînă la urmă o să-ţi aducă ghinion. N-ai nici un
drept moral asupra lui şi o să vină ziua în care ai să doreşti să nu fi văzut niciodată Şa-lul Celor o Mie de Flori".
Limba araba are doar doua forme scrise - araba clasica si araba moderna standard, toate celelalte variante regionale sunt doar verbale. Traduceri araba clasica se gaseste in Coran si nu este niciodata folosita in conversatii sau scrieri non-religioase. Araba clasica este limba oficiala a tuturor tarilor arabe si este singura forma de traduceri araba romana predata in scoli.
Trei zile după această ceartă, Carmen Fer-rarez a dispărut în mod misterios de la ho-telul unde stătea. în camera.ei a fost găsit un nume şi o adresă — numele lui Conrad Flec-kman şi o notă din partea cuiva presupus a fi un anticar, prin care acesta o întreba dacă era dispusă să se despartă de un oarecare şal brodat pe care îl credea în posesia ei. Adresa de pe bilet era falsă.
E limpede că şalul e cheia întregului mis-ter. Ieri dimineaţă, Conrad Fleckman a vizi-tat-o pe Anna Rosenborg. Au stat închişi o oră sau chiar mai mult. Cînd el a plecat, fe-meia a fost obligată să se întindă în pat, în-tr-atît a tulburat-o întrevederea cu el. Dar a dat ordin ca, în cazul în care ar fi dorit să o mai vadă, să fie neapărat primit. Azi-noapte s-a sculat şi a ieşit din casă pe la ora nouă şi nu s-a mai întors. A fost găsită de dimineaţă în casa unde locuia Conrad Fleckman, înjun-ghiată în inimă. Pe podea, lîngă ea, era... Ce crezi că era ?
— Şalul, intrebă Anthony cu sufletul la gură. Şalul Celor o Mie de Flori ?
— Cu o săptămînă în urmă, Carmen Fer-rarez, tînăra fată a lui Don Fernando, a so-sit la noi în ţară, venind dintr-o mînăstire din Franţa. Prima sa mişcare a fost să o caute pe Anna Rosenborg la Hampstead. De acolo ni s-a raportat că a avut o discuţie violentă cu bătrîna ; ultimele ei cuvinte înainte de des-părţire le-a auzit un servitor : „încă îl mai ai, a ţipat ea. în toţi anii ăştia te-ai îmbogătit de pe urma lui, dar îţi promit solemn că pînă la urmă o să-ţi aducă ghinion. N-ai nici un
drept moral asupra lui şi o să vină ziua în care ai să doreşti să nu fi văzut niciodată Şa-lul Celor o Mie de Flori".
Limba araba are doar doua forme scrise - araba clasica si araba moderna standard, toate celelalte variante regionale sunt doar verbale. Traduceri araba clasica se gaseste in Coran si nu este niciodata folosita in conversatii sau scrieri non-religioase. Araba clasica este limba oficiala a tuturor tarilor arabe si este singura forma de traduceri araba romana predata in scoli.
Trei zile după această ceartă, Carmen Fer-rarez a dispărut în mod misterios de la ho-telul unde stătea. în camera.ei a fost găsit un nume şi o adresă — numele lui Conrad Flec-kman şi o notă din partea cuiva presupus a fi un anticar, prin care acesta o întreba dacă era dispusă să se despartă de un oarecare şal brodat pe care îl credea în posesia ei. Adresa de pe bilet era falsă.
E limpede că şalul e cheia întregului mis-ter. Ieri dimineaţă, Conrad Fleckman a vizi-tat-o pe Anna Rosenborg. Au stat închişi o oră sau chiar mai mult. Cînd el a plecat, fe-meia a fost obligată să se întindă în pat, în-tr-atît a tulburat-o întrevederea cu el. Dar a dat ordin ca, în cazul în care ar fi dorit să o mai vadă, să fie neapărat primit. Azi-noapte s-a sculat şi a ieşit din casă pe la ora nouă şi nu s-a mai întors. A fost găsită de dimineaţă în casa unde locuia Conrad Fleckman, înjun-ghiată în inimă. Pe podea, lîngă ea, era... Ce crezi că era ?
— Şalul, intrebă Anthony cu sufletul la gură. Şalul Celor o Mie de Flori ?
firma de contabilitate,
traduceri araba,
traduceri autorizate,
traduceri legalizate,
traduceri rusa
Origine germana
— Bine, domnule... Anna Rosenborg era de origine germană şi locuia la Hampstead. Deşi fără cine ştie ce mijloace de existenţă evidente, devenea din an în an tot mai bo-gată.
— Eu sînt exact pe dos, comentă Anthony. Am mijloace de existenţă considerabile şi to-tuşi pe an ce trece devin tot mai sărac. Poate că m-aş fi descurcat mai bine dacă aş fi trăit în Hampstead. Auzisem eu că Hampstead e foarte tonifiant.
— La un moment dat, continuâ Verrall, s-a apucat de negustoria cu haine recondiţio-nate.
— Imi amintesc cum mi-am vîndut şi eu uniforma după război...
— în urmă cu zece ani, la Londra se aflau mai multi refugiaţi politici spanioli ; printre ei, un oarecare Don Fernando Ferrarez cu tînăra lui soţie şi cu copilul. Erau foarte să-raci şi soţia era bolnavă. Anna Rosenborg i-a vizitat acasă şi i-a întrebat dacă n-au ceva haine de vînzare. Don Fernando era plecat şi sotia lui s-a hotărît să se despartâ de un mag-nific şal spaniol, împodobit cu o minunată broderie, unul din ultimele cadouri pe care i le făcuse soţul ei înainte de a părăsi Spania. Cînd s-a întors, pe Don Fernando 1-a cuprins
— Eu sînt exact pe dos, comentă Anthony. Am mijloace de existenţă considerabile şi to-tuşi pe an ce trece devin tot mai sărac. Poate că m-aş fi descurcat mai bine dacă aş fi trăit în Hampstead. Auzisem eu că Hampstead e foarte tonifiant.
— La un moment dat, continuâ Verrall, s-a apucat de negustoria cu haine recondiţio-nate.
— Imi amintesc cum mi-am vîndut şi eu uniforma după război...
— în urmă cu zece ani, la Londra se aflau mai multi refugiaţi politici spanioli ; printre ei, un oarecare Don Fernando Ferrarez cu tînăra lui soţie şi cu copilul. Erau foarte să-raci şi soţia era bolnavă. Anna Rosenborg i-a vizitat acasă şi i-a întrebat dacă n-au ceva haine de vînzare. Don Fernando era plecat şi sotia lui s-a hotărît să se despartâ de un mag-nific şal spaniol, împodobit cu o minunată broderie, unul din ultimele cadouri pe care i le făcuse soţul ei înainte de a părăsi Spania. Cînd s-a întors, pe Don Fernando 1-a cuprins
foraje puturi apa,
traduceri araba,
traduceri autorizate,
traduceri legalizate,
Mici secrete vinovate
încă un punct bun pentru dumneavoas-tră, domnule, încuviinţă Verrall clipind din ochi. Apropo, domnule, despre ce e vorba ? Care e misterul celui de-al doilea castravete ?
— Ei, aici m-aţi prins. Tocmai cel de-al doilea castravete a declanşat toată încurcătura.
Carter îl privi intens. Brusc, clătină capul şi îşi lovi fruntea în mod semnificativ.
— Tîmpit eşti, amice !, mormăi el suficienl de tare pentru a fi auzit.
— Acum, domnilor, rosti domnul East-wood, să trecem la lucru. Aici sînt scrisorile adresate mie, carnetul meu de cecuri, comu-nicări de la editori. De ce mai aveţi nevoie ?
Verrall examină hîrtiile pe care Anthony le aruncase în faţa lui.
— în ceea ce mă priveşte, începu politicos, nu-mi mai trebuie nimic. M-aţi convins. Dar nu îmi pot asuma singur răspunderea de a vă elibera. Vedeţi, deşi pare limpede că aţi locuit aici timp de cîţiva ani sub numele de Eastwood, e totuşi posibil ca Conrad Fleckman şi Anthony Eastwood să fie una şi aceeaşi persoană. Trebuie să fac o cercetare amănunţită a apartamentului, să vă iau amprentele şi să telefonez la sediu.
— Un program destul de vast, remarcă Anthony. Vă asigur că sînteţi invitaţii mei să-mi cunoaşteţi micile secrete vinovate care o să vă cadă în mînă.
Inspectorul se încruntă. Deşi detectiv, avea şi el personalitate !
— Sînteţi bun să intraţi împreună cu Car-ter în camera mică din fundul casei în timp ce eu îmi văd de treabă ?
— în regulă, acceptă Anthony îmbufnat. Bănuiesc că nu se poate altfel, nu ?
— Adică ?
— Ca dumneavoastră, cu mine şi cu cîteva pahare bune de whisky să stăm în camera mică în timp ce prietenul nostru, sergentul, să-şi efectueze laborioasa cercetare...
— Dacă preferaţi compania mea...
— Da.
îl lăsară pe Carter să examineze conţinutul biroului, cu dexteritatea caracteristică profesiunii. Cînd ieşeau, îl auziră ridicînd telefonul şi cerînd Scotland Yardul.
— Nu e chiar aşa de rău, constată Anthony aşezîndu-se cu un pahar de whisky cu sifon alături, după ce îl servise şi pe inspectorul Verrall. Trebuie să beau eu întîi, ca sâ vă dovedesc că nu e otrăvit ?
Inspectorul zîmbi.
— Ei, aici m-aţi prins. Tocmai cel de-al doilea castravete a declanşat toată încurcătura.
Carter îl privi intens. Brusc, clătină capul şi îşi lovi fruntea în mod semnificativ.
— Tîmpit eşti, amice !, mormăi el suficienl de tare pentru a fi auzit.
— Acum, domnilor, rosti domnul East-wood, să trecem la lucru. Aici sînt scrisorile adresate mie, carnetul meu de cecuri, comu-nicări de la editori. De ce mai aveţi nevoie ?
Verrall examină hîrtiile pe care Anthony le aruncase în faţa lui.
— în ceea ce mă priveşte, începu politicos, nu-mi mai trebuie nimic. M-aţi convins. Dar nu îmi pot asuma singur răspunderea de a vă elibera. Vedeţi, deşi pare limpede că aţi locuit aici timp de cîţiva ani sub numele de Eastwood, e totuşi posibil ca Conrad Fleckman şi Anthony Eastwood să fie una şi aceeaşi persoană. Trebuie să fac o cercetare amănunţită a apartamentului, să vă iau amprentele şi să telefonez la sediu.
— Un program destul de vast, remarcă Anthony. Vă asigur că sînteţi invitaţii mei să-mi cunoaşteţi micile secrete vinovate care o să vă cadă în mînă.
Inspectorul se încruntă. Deşi detectiv, avea şi el personalitate !
— Sînteţi bun să intraţi împreună cu Car-ter în camera mică din fundul casei în timp ce eu îmi văd de treabă ?
— în regulă, acceptă Anthony îmbufnat. Bănuiesc că nu se poate altfel, nu ?
— Adică ?
— Ca dumneavoastră, cu mine şi cu cîteva pahare bune de whisky să stăm în camera mică în timp ce prietenul nostru, sergentul, să-şi efectueze laborioasa cercetare...
— Dacă preferaţi compania mea...
— Da.
îl lăsară pe Carter să examineze conţinutul biroului, cu dexteritatea caracteristică profesiunii. Cînd ieşeau, îl auziră ridicînd telefonul şi cerînd Scotland Yardul.
— Nu e chiar aşa de rău, constată Anthony aşezîndu-se cu un pahar de whisky cu sifon alături, după ce îl servise şi pe inspectorul Verrall. Trebuie să beau eu întîi, ca sâ vă dovedesc că nu e otrăvit ?
Inspectorul zîmbi.
foraje puturi,
scoala de soferi,
traduceri engleza,
traduceri franceza,
Investigatii criminalistice
Un taxi opri şi cei trei urcară. Anthony mai făcu o ultimă încercare, adresîndu-se lui Verrall :
— Ascultă-mă, dragă inspectore, ce rău poate fi dacă treceţi pe la mine pe acasă să vedeţi dacă spun adevărul sau nu ? Puteţi păstra taxiul, dacă vreţi ; iată o ofertă generoasă ! Cinci minute nu înseamnă mare lucru.
Verrall îl privi scrutător.
— O să mergem, rosti deodală. Deşi pare ciudat, cred că spui adevărul. Nu am chef să ne facem de rîs arestînd pe cinc nu trebuie.
Unde stai ?
— Cartierul Brandenburg, nr. 48.
Verrall se aplecă înainte şi îi strigă.şoferului adresa. Tăcură pînă la destinaţie, cînd Carter sări din maşină, iar Verrall îi făcu semn lui Anthony să-1 urme^c.
— Nu e nevoie să creăm nimănui neplăceri, explică Verrall în timp ce cobora şi el.
Intrăm detaşat, ca şi cum domnu! Eastwood şi-ar aduce acasă nişte prieteni.
Anthony îi fu deosebit de rocunoscător pentru sugestie, iar opinia sa despre Secţia de Investigaţii Criminalistice se îmbunătăţi simţitor. In hol, norocul li-1 scoase în cale pe Rogers, portarul. Anthony se opri.
— A, bună seara Rogers, rosti ca din în-tîmplare.
— Bună seara, domnule Eastwood, răs-punse portarul respectuos. Se ataşase de An-thony, care dădea un exemplu de liberali-tate, nu întocmai urmat şi de vecinii săi.
Anthony se opri în capul scărilor.
— Apropo, Rogers. De cînd locuiesc eu aici ? Tocmai discutam cu prietenii mei.
— Staţi să-mi amintesc, domnule. Cred că în curînd se fac patru ani.
— Exact aşa mă gîndeam şi eu.
Anthony aruncă o privire triumfătoare
spre detectivi. Carter se încruntă, dar Ver-rall zîmbi din toată inima.
— Foarte bine, domnule, dar nu îndea-
juns, remarcă el. Urcăm ?
Anthofty descuie uşa. îşi aminti încîntat că Seamark, omul care îl ajuta la menaj, era plecat. Cu cît mai puţini martori la această catastrofă, cu atît mai bine !
Maşina de scris stătea unde o lâsase. Car-ter se îndreptă spre masă şi citi titlul în pa-gină.
— Una din povestirile mele, exclamă An-thony nonşalant.
— Ascultă-mă, dragă inspectore, ce rău poate fi dacă treceţi pe la mine pe acasă să vedeţi dacă spun adevărul sau nu ? Puteţi păstra taxiul, dacă vreţi ; iată o ofertă generoasă ! Cinci minute nu înseamnă mare lucru.
Verrall îl privi scrutător.
— O să mergem, rosti deodală. Deşi pare ciudat, cred că spui adevărul. Nu am chef să ne facem de rîs arestînd pe cinc nu trebuie.
Unde stai ?
— Cartierul Brandenburg, nr. 48.
Verrall se aplecă înainte şi îi strigă.şoferului adresa. Tăcură pînă la destinaţie, cînd Carter sări din maşină, iar Verrall îi făcu semn lui Anthony să-1 urme^c.
— Nu e nevoie să creăm nimănui neplăceri, explică Verrall în timp ce cobora şi el.
Intrăm detaşat, ca şi cum domnu! Eastwood şi-ar aduce acasă nişte prieteni.
Anthony îi fu deosebit de rocunoscător pentru sugestie, iar opinia sa despre Secţia de Investigaţii Criminalistice se îmbunătăţi simţitor. In hol, norocul li-1 scoase în cale pe Rogers, portarul. Anthony se opri.
— A, bună seara Rogers, rosti ca din în-tîmplare.
— Bună seara, domnule Eastwood, răs-punse portarul respectuos. Se ataşase de An-thony, care dădea un exemplu de liberali-tate, nu întocmai urmat şi de vecinii săi.
Anthony se opri în capul scărilor.
— Apropo, Rogers. De cînd locuiesc eu aici ? Tocmai discutam cu prietenii mei.
— Staţi să-mi amintesc, domnule. Cred că în curînd se fac patru ani.
— Exact aşa mă gîndeam şi eu.
Anthony aruncă o privire triumfătoare
spre detectivi. Carter se încruntă, dar Ver-rall zîmbi din toată inima.
— Foarte bine, domnule, dar nu îndea-
juns, remarcă el. Urcăm ?
Anthofty descuie uşa. îşi aminti încîntat că Seamark, omul care îl ajuta la menaj, era plecat. Cu cît mai puţini martori la această catastrofă, cu atît mai bine !
Maşina de scris stătea unde o lâsase. Car-ter se îndreptă spre masă şi citi titlul în pa-gină.
— Una din povestirile mele, exclamă An-thony nonşalant.
traduceri araba,
traduceri rusa
duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011
Clarifications and That Damn Dworkin Quote
Amy said the following in the Comments of this post:
"I'm a radical leaning feminist. I, so far, haven't done much in the way of activism - am, I guess, technically still a baby feminist, but I do have plans. This post was a real kick up the arse to me, to actually stop mulling things over in my mind, and actually get off my arse and do things. I can't say that I was thrilled by the anti radfem tone, but I can see why you would be angry, and hey... I'm not saying you should sugarcoat it or anything like that ... What I'm saying is, like I mentioned right there, I'm a rad-leaning feminist...but I don't feel like I should be painted with the same brush you dubbed other feminists. I'm not perfect - as a person (who is) or a feminist (no such thing as the perfect feminist). I don't get involved in any blog wars between different perspectives of feminism, as far as I'm aware.
But yeah. That story about that woman, it just, well, it really got me. I mean, that's what feminism is about. I mean, I know I'm guilty of talking about leg shaving and make-up - and I do have my reasons for doing so - and haven't really discussed DV (lack of knowledge mainly and failure to articulate such a subject like it deserves to be articulated). I don't believe the FBH, make up etc blogging makes me a bad feminist...but, honestly, I feel heartily ashamed that I haven't discussed, blogged about DV. That's what makes me a not so good feminist (if there's not the 'perfect' feminist, there can't be a 'bad' feminist). At the end of the day, thanks for this post - it really gave me a kick up the arse (I need 'em sometimes), and has already had an impact on me."
To which I replied: " Amy: you know, your comment was a kick in my arse. I forget at times, that there are plenty of radical/feminists, blogging or otherwise, who absolutely do not deserve to be on the receiving end of that angry spew of hatred. I'm sorry about that, Amy.
And, gracious, you are NOT a 'bad feminist' for 'the FBH, make up etc blogging.' In fact, that's what started my whole rejection of radical feminism to begin with: this notion of real/radical feminist v. fake/"fun" feminism a year or so back. (Frankly, if I never see that damn, snobby "I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind" Dworkin quote again, it would be a good thing. A post on that, perhaps.)
For the longest time with these blog wars, I tried to be neutral, held back my acid anger side. There have been just too many "last straws" lately. I'm angrier than I've ever been with some of these fools claiming to be feminists. But like Sassy said[in comments], regarding these 'feminists' who make me so angry: 'I think it's important to keep in mind that they are the minority in the movement... it just so happens that they are a very vocal minority.'
I rather tossed that out the window yesterday with all that angry posting. And I really shouldn't. Before Walrus hits me over the head with a pair of iron testicles and says 'Dammit, Kim -- don't apologize for yourself -- GROW SOME OF THESE!' let me say I am not retracting my words towards this select, vocal, hateful group. Also, to my credit, I did say in these comments 'Bear in mind, real, sane, non-hiding being the Internet radical feminist do NOT fall into this category [of my spewing hatred.]' Which to clarify, nothing wrong with BLOGGING, per say. By 'hiding behind the Internet,' I mean those folks who either post and/or blog largely Anonymously (with respect to certain privacy precautions we all should take) who suddenly turn Big Asshole because of the protection of the Internet.
Anyhow, thanks right back at ya for the kick in arse, Amy. I needed a reminder that to lumping folks into one category is stupid, even IF if the name of 'venting' as I did here."
Also, as my own ass was getting a little too sanctimonious for it's own good, I also said at Belle's place under This post: "... back in my rad fem blogging days, I believed strongly blogging/the Internet was indeed an exciting, relatively new tool for activism, feminism, etc. I still feel that way [to a degree] ... I love a good, funny, rambling blog or mulling, thoughtful, informative post or what have you ... I love writing. I can understand the enjoyment of spending hours on a post. But when some of these posts work only to further give feminists a bad name (slut-hating zealots, for example), then maybe it's time to step away from the blog and start getting your fingernails dirty, you know. Or something."
On that Dworkin quote, which is again: "I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind."
I see this damn quote over and over at radical blogs, often proudly posted in blog headers.
I believe this quote should be permanently retired.
Think about this, those of you who are genuine about your feminism: it's not a statement I feel should be bandied around if you are truly concerned with issues that surround all women. This statement is separatist. It divides women/feminists like no other quote I know. It creates an Us and Them among feminists -- which, until fairly recent words and behaviors of some bloggers, I would have thought no feminist would desire.
For all my anger, I will never, ever believe this dividing and choosing sides does jack-shit for feminism. I get tired of pussyfootin' around certain bloggers and lately, a few need to be called out on their philosophies and behavior, hence, angry rants from yours truly. But even still: if any of these women with whom I have beefs were genuine about burying hatchets and forming truces, I'd be the first one at the Truce Table, all smiles and "I'm ready to listen."
To label a feminist as "the fun kind" is just so damn insulting. I guess a "fun feminist" is one who does any of the following:
-- wears makeup, shaves, wears heels or follows any other trends of stereotypical "femininity"
-- does not clearly oppose sex work such as pornography, stripping, prostitution, etc.
-- does not have a few extra pounds of Fuck Your Thin Ideal on her
-- is married
-- has "bred"
-- is heterosexual
-- is transsexual
-- does not agree verbatim with the Scum Manifesto
-- is Christian (is Buddhist okay? Muslim? Agnostic? Or does one have to be pagan or atheist to be a "serious" feminist?)
I'm sure I'm leaving something out.
Any time I see a feminist site bandying around this quote proudly in its header, their "feminist creds" goes flying out the ass-window for me.
Or forget "feminism" all together: their I Would Like to Hang Out With This Person Factor is greatly reduced.
I have no problem with the first part of the quote, "I'm a radical feminist." If that's your bag, great. Own it, go ahead and be proud of it. But the latter part, "not the fun kind" is just a big red flag that you
1. have clear disdain for those Other Feminists/women
2. are interested in separating "good" women like you from "bad" women like me.
I'm sorry, gals, but that just ain't feminist.
You can fill your bandwagon with Dworkin-quoting feminists from here to kingdom come, but it ain't never going to be feminist.
Wake up, ey?
Additionally, Andrea Dworkin, in my opinion, had some great ideas and some not-so-great ideas. In any case, perhaps she earned the right to make such a statement, popular figure of public scrutiny and attack as she was. If Ms. Dworkin were here to observe these blogwars between feminists, perhaps she'd have a thing or two to say about it herself. (And maybe not -- her call for the execution of Suzie Bright alone clearly demonstrated her feelings towards certain women.)
But at least she got plenty of shit and *took it. I can respect her for being true to herself, if nothing else. But Dworkin's possible earned stripes aside, I still hate this quote and still feel it is profoundly against the interests of feminism.
What say you?
*I understand the "radical" in "radical feminism" refers to the first definition listed in the dictionary: "of or going to the root or origin; fundamental." The second definition of radical is: " thoroughgoing or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms."
"I'm a radical leaning feminist. I, so far, haven't done much in the way of activism - am, I guess, technically still a baby feminist, but I do have plans. This post was a real kick up the arse to me, to actually stop mulling things over in my mind, and actually get off my arse and do things. I can't say that I was thrilled by the anti radfem tone, but I can see why you would be angry, and hey... I'm not saying you should sugarcoat it or anything like that ... What I'm saying is, like I mentioned right there, I'm a rad-leaning feminist...but I don't feel like I should be painted with the same brush you dubbed other feminists. I'm not perfect - as a person (who is) or a feminist (no such thing as the perfect feminist). I don't get involved in any blog wars between different perspectives of feminism, as far as I'm aware.
But yeah. That story about that woman, it just, well, it really got me. I mean, that's what feminism is about. I mean, I know I'm guilty of talking about leg shaving and make-up - and I do have my reasons for doing so - and haven't really discussed DV (lack of knowledge mainly and failure to articulate such a subject like it deserves to be articulated). I don't believe the FBH, make up etc blogging makes me a bad feminist...but, honestly, I feel heartily ashamed that I haven't discussed, blogged about DV. That's what makes me a not so good feminist (if there's not the 'perfect' feminist, there can't be a 'bad' feminist). At the end of the day, thanks for this post - it really gave me a kick up the arse (I need 'em sometimes), and has already had an impact on me."
To which I replied: " Amy: you know, your comment was a kick in my arse. I forget at times, that there are plenty of radical/feminists, blogging or otherwise, who absolutely do not deserve to be on the receiving end of that angry spew of hatred. I'm sorry about that, Amy.
And, gracious, you are NOT a 'bad feminist' for 'the FBH, make up etc blogging.' In fact, that's what started my whole rejection of radical feminism to begin with: this notion of real/radical feminist v. fake/"fun" feminism a year or so back. (Frankly, if I never see that damn, snobby "I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind" Dworkin quote again, it would be a good thing. A post on that, perhaps.)
For the longest time with these blog wars, I tried to be neutral, held back my acid anger side. There have been just too many "last straws" lately. I'm angrier than I've ever been with some of these fools claiming to be feminists. But like Sassy said[in comments], regarding these 'feminists' who make me so angry: 'I think it's important to keep in mind that they are the minority in the movement... it just so happens that they are a very vocal minority.'
I rather tossed that out the window yesterday with all that angry posting. And I really shouldn't. Before Walrus hits me over the head with a pair of iron testicles and says 'Dammit, Kim -- don't apologize for yourself -- GROW SOME OF THESE!' let me say I am not retracting my words towards this select, vocal, hateful group. Also, to my credit, I did say in these comments 'Bear in mind, real, sane, non-hiding being the Internet radical feminist do NOT fall into this category [of my spewing hatred.]' Which to clarify, nothing wrong with BLOGGING, per say. By 'hiding behind the Internet,' I mean those folks who either post and/or blog largely Anonymously (with respect to certain privacy precautions we all should take) who suddenly turn Big Asshole because of the protection of the Internet.
Anyhow, thanks right back at ya for the kick in arse, Amy. I needed a reminder that to lumping folks into one category is stupid, even IF if the name of 'venting' as I did here."
Also, as my own ass was getting a little too sanctimonious for it's own good, I also said at Belle's place under This post: "... back in my rad fem blogging days, I believed strongly blogging/the Internet was indeed an exciting, relatively new tool for activism, feminism, etc. I still feel that way [to a degree] ... I love a good, funny, rambling blog or mulling, thoughtful, informative post or what have you ... I love writing. I can understand the enjoyment of spending hours on a post. But when some of these posts work only to further give feminists a bad name (slut-hating zealots, for example), then maybe it's time to step away from the blog and start getting your fingernails dirty, you know. Or something."
On that Dworkin quote, which is again: "I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind."
I see this damn quote over and over at radical blogs, often proudly posted in blog headers.
I believe this quote should be permanently retired.
Think about this, those of you who are genuine about your feminism: it's not a statement I feel should be bandied around if you are truly concerned with issues that surround all women. This statement is separatist. It divides women/feminists like no other quote I know. It creates an Us and Them among feminists -- which, until fairly recent words and behaviors of some bloggers, I would have thought no feminist would desire.
For all my anger, I will never, ever believe this dividing and choosing sides does jack-shit for feminism. I get tired of pussyfootin' around certain bloggers and lately, a few need to be called out on their philosophies and behavior, hence, angry rants from yours truly. But even still: if any of these women with whom I have beefs were genuine about burying hatchets and forming truces, I'd be the first one at the Truce Table, all smiles and "I'm ready to listen."
To label a feminist as "the fun kind" is just so damn insulting. I guess a "fun feminist" is one who does any of the following:
-- wears makeup, shaves, wears heels or follows any other trends of stereotypical "femininity"
-- does not clearly oppose sex work such as pornography, stripping, prostitution, etc.
-- does not have a few extra pounds of Fuck Your Thin Ideal on her
-- is married
-- has "bred"
-- is heterosexual
-- is transsexual
-- does not agree verbatim with the Scum Manifesto
-- is Christian (is Buddhist okay? Muslim? Agnostic? Or does one have to be pagan or atheist to be a "serious" feminist?)
I'm sure I'm leaving something out.
Any time I see a feminist site bandying around this quote proudly in its header, their "feminist creds" goes flying out the ass-window for me.
Or forget "feminism" all together: their I Would Like to Hang Out With This Person Factor is greatly reduced.
I have no problem with the first part of the quote, "I'm a radical feminist." If that's your bag, great. Own it, go ahead and be proud of it. But the latter part, "not the fun kind" is just a big red flag that you
1. have clear disdain for those Other Feminists/women
2. are interested in separating "good" women like you from "bad" women like me.
I'm sorry, gals, but that just ain't feminist.
You can fill your bandwagon with Dworkin-quoting feminists from here to kingdom come, but it ain't never going to be feminist.
Wake up, ey?
Additionally, Andrea Dworkin, in my opinion, had some great ideas and some not-so-great ideas. In any case, perhaps she earned the right to make such a statement, popular figure of public scrutiny and attack as she was. If Ms. Dworkin were here to observe these blogwars between feminists, perhaps she'd have a thing or two to say about it herself. (And maybe not -- her call for the execution of Suzie Bright alone clearly demonstrated her feelings towards certain women.)
But at least she got plenty of shit and *took it. I can respect her for being true to herself, if nothing else. But Dworkin's possible earned stripes aside, I still hate this quote and still feel it is profoundly against the interests of feminism.
What say you?
*I understand the "radical" in "radical feminism" refers to the first definition listed in the dictionary: "of or going to the root or origin; fundamental." The second definition of radical is: " thoroughgoing or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms."
While the word "extreme" can have negative, fanatical connotations, the rest of that definition kicks ass. Who wouldn't, among us self-identified underdog, ranting types, want to be associated with fighting for "change from accepted or traditional forms?" Indeed, how many us have been doing this, is a sense, virtually since birth?
If you're going to own the word "radical," for God's sake, act like a radical. I hear "radical" in the second definition and I think: strong, tough; something I perhaps would want to claim for myself. Ideally, for me, a radical would also be strong of mind and in search of allies -- not for reasons to divide the potential troops.

If you're going to own the word "radical," for God's sake, act like a radical. I hear "radical" in the second definition and I think: strong, tough; something I perhaps would want to claim for myself. Ideally, for me, a radical would also be strong of mind and in search of allies -- not for reasons to divide the potential troops.

I don't think of soft, lazy in mind and body, coddled and spoon fed activism in the word radical.
I also don't hear "victim" in this word. Most of all, I don't hear "Oh my goodness, someone spoke ill of my movement! I'll not have it!" in this strong, kick-ass word.
It was that part of "radical" that made me proud to call myself a radical feminist back in the day.
It is that part of me that still respects radical feminism done right.
Which isn't to say one can't act radical in heels and eyeliner either.
foraje puturi apa,
On Volunteers
A pseudo-anonymous Commenter by the name of Arrogantworm in THIS post brought up the idea of creating a volunteer base to provide rides to low-income folks as bus schedules do not always meet transportation needs. Because it's a decent suggestion and because I think it's great that folks are at least talking about the needs of low- income folks, I reply to Aworm here.
Also, there is a great need for public education on issues surrounding homelessness.
Therefore, I milk this space for all it's worth. BONUS: it's free!
I'm on a few Super Secret Committees (to protect my full identity, can't name them) and this notion of getting folks to volunteer to provide rides to low-income folks has been suggested at these meetings.
A coordinated volunteer base of drivers could work -- but not in an unplanned, ER case. Certainly not for getting to work: relying on volunteers here is way too risky. And forming these volunteer bases/recruiting volunteers is honestly, MORE WORK for us already overworked and underpaid social workers -- only so many hours in a day.
Recruiting, coordinating and managing volunteers is often a full-time job (right, Walrus?) My contract is set at 32-hours per week and I am not ashamed to say some weeks I take a few liberties with those hours. Last week, for example, I had a day so intense due to the particular needs and actions of three households, I nearly ran out of my office, driving straight home to the haven of my home and cats. Some deep breathing, comforting self-talk, AnnaZu therapy and an *orgasm followed by a nap took care of the stress. Let me tell you, all of that was as necessary to my continuing to do my job well as sleep or food or any "training." I felt no guilt about knocking off a bit early that day and indeed would say the same to my supervisor, if asked.
Plus, have I mentioned I'm WAY underpaid and that I am indeed no saint? My mortgage just went up by $500 per month, my insurance payment has doubled, gas costs are up, etc. etc. etc. fucking etc. My paycheck has increased by 45 CENTS in the last two and a half years, from an already meager hourly wage. Nice, sure, if I could let all that roll off my back, nicer still if this job was merely Mad Money to supplement my husband income -- but it ain't.
(No ill reflection on The MoonMan meant. He works his ass off and hasn't had a vacation in something like 4 or 5 years.)
But during a week where I am working the full 32, my job is always first and foremost to be there for my clients. Even if I had the time to take on the job of managing/recruiting volunteers, what good am I if I'm perpetually in meetings or on the phone with other agencies or folks in the community? Which is not to say folks who do this sort of work aren't 100% necessary. Just, that ain't the job description in my contract or more importantly, the job description I have given myself.
Back to the suggestion. The volunteer ride base might work with the DV population as most folks have sympathy for this group (natch, they would not be permitted to go to the secret location of the shelter, but then there are meeting places, so I could work. As long as the woman doesn't have too much to carry back to the shelter from the meeting place.)
I don't know how well it would work with my other group, the plain old homeless/non-DV group because society has Ideas about The Homeless.
For example, my prior employers tried to talk me out of accepting my current position, because "Those People are dirty and have scabies and lice, etc." Society also have notions about Welfare Mothers who Live in the Projects. You know "All those women too lazy to work, popping out brats to get more money.
Right. $700-800/month to support you and your four kids is easy street, right?
Look out Donald Trump!
Everyone wants to help the poor (working) mother, who is properly grateful and trying to get ahead. What about the women who swear constantly, or have sudden attacks of crying, or panic attacks -- or who just aren't Trying Hard Enough or not Grateful Enough?
What about the women who were/could be still, on the sly, prostitutes!
What about the woman who needs transportation to the methadone clinic!
We didn't expect this.
Forget completely finding those to provide rides to the mentally ill (but non-violent), sometimes substance-abusing MALE.
He's too scary!
He might rape you -- or steal your car!
But still: I think the ride volunteer notion could work to a degree, say maybe for scheduled medical appointments -- IF the general population were more educated in issues of homelessness. IF we could find these volunteers and IF there was a person who had time to run the show.
The only time I have contact with volunteers is during the December holidays. Another local agency has a data base of folks who provide gifts, etc. to low-income families every year. I am often the contact person for "my" families and receive calls from volunteers regarding sizes, directions to client's house, etc. These calls reveal much about our society. One person upon learning the very Latino sounding name of "his" family automatically assumed they could not speak English (they could.) Another woman sounded very annoyed that when she dropped off gifts to a single mother because "she had a boy there, not sure if it was her boyfriend or not" and "[the single mom] didn't even introduce me to him."
As if this single mom is required to open her life to virtual strangers merely because this woman is giving her something.
Some clients are not "properly grateful." One of "my" moms was born with many strikes against her. This woman has had little choice but to live off disability and the generosity of strangers and grants, etc. from the state/agencies etc. most of her life. Believe me when I say she indeed has little choice about this, as confidentially and respect for my client prevents me giving detail.
She's "rough around the edges" to put it lightly. She is so used to needing to ask agencies, etc. for help, she can often come across as demanding, certainly ungrateful.
Cripes -- if anyone has a right to this sort of "ungrateful" behavior it is this woman.
Yet, the type of volunteer who needs a proper degree of thankfulness from the folks s/he helps would get disgruntled with this woman rapidly. Could be I'm selling her way short, probably am. She has a sweet, funny side and often does say "Thank you."
Anyway, the idea isn't out of the question, but it's problematic to say the least. I'm not knocking you, Aworm, as I appreciate any/all suggestion and appreciate anyone who even gives more than a passing second of thought to the obstacles low-income folks have to deal with every day.
But honestly, ask yourselves: how many of you want to sign up to give rides to low-income/homeless/formerly-homeless folks?
Like so much else, we often assume "Someone else will do it."
If I didn't work with this population, it's unlikely I ever would volunteer myself.
*Three natural stress-relievers and I believe endorphin releasers are: crying, laughing, and orgasm, as my doc told me. Exercise also. That orgasm was DOCTOR ORDERED, I tell you. No heathen, I!
Also, there is a great need for public education on issues surrounding homelessness.
Therefore, I milk this space for all it's worth. BONUS: it's free!
I'm on a few Super Secret Committees (to protect my full identity, can't name them) and this notion of getting folks to volunteer to provide rides to low-income folks has been suggested at these meetings.
A coordinated volunteer base of drivers could work -- but not in an unplanned, ER case. Certainly not for getting to work: relying on volunteers here is way too risky. And forming these volunteer bases/recruiting volunteers is honestly, MORE WORK for us already overworked and underpaid social workers -- only so many hours in a day.
Recruiting, coordinating and managing volunteers is often a full-time job (right, Walrus?) My contract is set at 32-hours per week and I am not ashamed to say some weeks I take a few liberties with those hours. Last week, for example, I had a day so intense due to the particular needs and actions of three households, I nearly ran out of my office, driving straight home to the haven of my home and cats. Some deep breathing, comforting self-talk, AnnaZu therapy and an *orgasm followed by a nap took care of the stress. Let me tell you, all of that was as necessary to my continuing to do my job well as sleep or food or any "training." I felt no guilt about knocking off a bit early that day and indeed would say the same to my supervisor, if asked.
Plus, have I mentioned I'm WAY underpaid and that I am indeed no saint? My mortgage just went up by $500 per month, my insurance payment has doubled, gas costs are up, etc. etc. etc. fucking etc. My paycheck has increased by 45 CENTS in the last two and a half years, from an already meager hourly wage. Nice, sure, if I could let all that roll off my back, nicer still if this job was merely Mad Money to supplement my husband income -- but it ain't.
(No ill reflection on The MoonMan meant. He works his ass off and hasn't had a vacation in something like 4 or 5 years.)
But during a week where I am working the full 32, my job is always first and foremost to be there for my clients. Even if I had the time to take on the job of managing/recruiting volunteers, what good am I if I'm perpetually in meetings or on the phone with other agencies or folks in the community? Which is not to say folks who do this sort of work aren't 100% necessary. Just, that ain't the job description in my contract or more importantly, the job description I have given myself.
Back to the suggestion. The volunteer ride base might work with the DV population as most folks have sympathy for this group (natch, they would not be permitted to go to the secret location of the shelter, but then there are meeting places, so I could work. As long as the woman doesn't have too much to carry back to the shelter from the meeting place.)
I don't know how well it would work with my other group, the plain old homeless/non-DV group because society has Ideas about The Homeless.
For example, my prior employers tried to talk me out of accepting my current position, because "Those People are dirty and have scabies and lice, etc." Society also have notions about Welfare Mothers who Live in the Projects. You know "All those women too lazy to work, popping out brats to get more money.
Right. $700-800/month to support you and your four kids is easy street, right?
Look out Donald Trump!
Everyone wants to help the poor (working) mother, who is properly grateful and trying to get ahead. What about the women who swear constantly, or have sudden attacks of crying, or panic attacks -- or who just aren't Trying Hard Enough or not Grateful Enough?
What about the women who were/could be still, on the sly, prostitutes!
What about the woman who needs transportation to the methadone clinic!
We didn't expect this.
Forget completely finding those to provide rides to the mentally ill (but non-violent), sometimes substance-abusing MALE.
He's too scary!
He might rape you -- or steal your car!
But still: I think the ride volunteer notion could work to a degree, say maybe for scheduled medical appointments -- IF the general population were more educated in issues of homelessness. IF we could find these volunteers and IF there was a person who had time to run the show.
The only time I have contact with volunteers is during the December holidays. Another local agency has a data base of folks who provide gifts, etc. to low-income families every year. I am often the contact person for "my" families and receive calls from volunteers regarding sizes, directions to client's house, etc. These calls reveal much about our society. One person upon learning the very Latino sounding name of "his" family automatically assumed they could not speak English (they could.) Another woman sounded very annoyed that when she dropped off gifts to a single mother because "she had a boy there, not sure if it was her boyfriend or not" and "[the single mom] didn't even introduce me to him."
As if this single mom is required to open her life to virtual strangers merely because this woman is giving her something.
Some clients are not "properly grateful." One of "my" moms was born with many strikes against her. This woman has had little choice but to live off disability and the generosity of strangers and grants, etc. from the state/agencies etc. most of her life. Believe me when I say she indeed has little choice about this, as confidentially and respect for my client prevents me giving detail.
She's "rough around the edges" to put it lightly. She is so used to needing to ask agencies, etc. for help, she can often come across as demanding, certainly ungrateful.
Cripes -- if anyone has a right to this sort of "ungrateful" behavior it is this woman.
Yet, the type of volunteer who needs a proper degree of thankfulness from the folks s/he helps would get disgruntled with this woman rapidly. Could be I'm selling her way short, probably am. She has a sweet, funny side and often does say "Thank you."
Anyway, the idea isn't out of the question, but it's problematic to say the least. I'm not knocking you, Aworm, as I appreciate any/all suggestion and appreciate anyone who even gives more than a passing second of thought to the obstacles low-income folks have to deal with every day.
But honestly, ask yourselves: how many of you want to sign up to give rides to low-income/homeless/formerly-homeless folks?
Like so much else, we often assume "Someone else will do it."
If I didn't work with this population, it's unlikely I ever would volunteer myself.
*Three natural stress-relievers and I believe endorphin releasers are: crying, laughing, and orgasm, as my doc told me. Exercise also. That orgasm was DOCTOR ORDERED, I tell you. No heathen, I!
firma de contabilitate,
scoala de soferi,
My PayPal Account Is ...
EDIT TWO: Because I can, I post my response to comments here:
Blech. I'm tired, under slept, overfed and sluggish of both body and intellect this morn. Off the top of my sloggy head:
I got no problems with advertisements on blogs, nor when I think about it, a "tip jar."
It WOULD be nice to get/give a few bucks when a blogger cranks out a really good post.
Really, it's none of my business who asks for money and who chooses to give money on blogs.
To each their own.
But hey:
I have well over $2K in debt, not including my mortgage. (It's considerably higher than that, but I'm embarrassed to name how much.) It causes me lots and lots of stress, this debt. I would like it gone.
AnnaZu get spayed on July 9th -- will cost me over $400.
My hours are also getting cut on July 1.
(Don't forget I am underpaid at work.)
We've promised The Pea an overnight trip to Boston for her birthday on June 30 -- more money.
Sometimes I write a pretty good post.
Often, I insert Funny into my posts.
I give you lots of kitten pictures.
I have a bunch of doc visits over the next 2 months, at a $25 co-pay.
We need an air conditioner and AnnaZu have long, hot fur!
I have zero dollars in my personal savings.
We haven't visited my husband's family/The Pea's other grandmother 1000 miles away in 8 years.
My mortgage just increased by $500 bucks.
I want a horse.
I need new running shoes.
Someone Pimped my Ride and I need $$ to depimp it -- I can't fit The Pea in the backseat anymore due to the size of those bass-boomin' woofers (or is it tweeters?)
Two words: gas prices.
I can't afford my therapist anymore, at $45 bucks a session. I don't feel I need therapy at the moment, but what if I do?
I am out of reading material and my library is open only at weird-ass hours.
Our kitchen and living room SERIOUSLY need to be overhauled. I HAVE DIRTY SUNFLOWER WALLPAPER IN MY KITCHEN, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. And no built-in shelving for our TV, books, PlayStation and model horses. It causes me great pains.
I would like to quit my job and do one of the following:
1. Go back to school for a Masters/PhD in Social Work or Psych because wow, wouldn't it be the cat's ass to be a therapist who specialized in eating disorders because so many therapists who claim to have a clue have only a clue? I'm an excellent student, by the way, and very smart!
2. Obtain my certification in Therapeutic Riding -although it's a huge gamble that once I obtain this I will be able to find a position.
3. Work for fun and exercise at a stable with enough Magical Money coming in from somewhere to supplement my meagre groom income and pay for insurance.
I deserve every bit of the above.
I have a PayPal account, set up and ready to go.
If ya'll help me out, I promise to provide regular blog updates on What I Am Doing With Your Money.
Except, wait: I said I'd never accept cash.
You may send the money to The Walrus who will, as good friends do, force the money into my shaking, grateful hands as we unite in sisterhood under the moon. (The Walrus needs some new art supplies, a new sun porch and a lifetime supply of butter!)
The point being, well hell: we all need money.
What defines a "good cause" from a frivolous cause?
A worthy blogger from a not-so-worthy blogger?
And how do you know any of the above is true?
(I promise you The Walrus' butter need is crucial! I've seen her in a Walrus Rage when butterless!)
How do you know I am who I say I am?
How do you know I would use the money for any of the above?
I might take your money and buy Purple Ass Dye, for all you know.
(All the above is true, except the Pimp Mobile (and I suppose, my desire for a purple ass).
I did, however, burn a cigarette hole in the back seat and it looks very bad.)
PS. On the blogger with The Cancer with the son who was asking for help: no problems have I in this case at all. I know of this blogger and also of the stupid controversy that arose and think
1. Sending money to this person was a good thing
2. The Controversy was utter crap.
Edit Two off.
I have to say it although I may get some shit for this one.
Do you know what I hate?
When bloggers appeal to their readers for money, complete with ready-to-go PayPal accounts.
There could be exceptions, say in the case when their is NO DOUBT -- and I mean ZERO DOUBT -- that the blogger is absolutely who they say they are and NO DOUBT that the circumstances that have led them to ask for money are 100% true. It would help also, if the money was needed for something truly important.
Jeezum crow.
Do you know how many times I've needed cash?
Do you know how many times I could have casually dropped the email addy of my PayPal account, after filling "my readers" in on the financial woes of my life???
Better yet, I could have recruited a commenter -- or created the identity of a Caring Commenter myself, who said "Kim would never ask for this, but to those of you who care, I have set up a PayPal account for her at bleedingheartsucker@hotmail.com."
Let me tell you, if any reader ever offered me a dime, I would not take it.
Not out of pride, but because to me, it just ain't right.
I do not fully trust a blogging or commenting soul in the blogosphere that I have not personally met face to face.
And neither should you.
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that there is a blogger who is currently asking readers to contribute to her PayPal account at this very moment.
Would you believe me if I said I wrote this post before I knew about this post?
Me either.
But then, I'm The Tally Ho, an Unwoman, a TeeHeeFunFeminist, so what do I know?
Blech. I'm tired, under slept, overfed and sluggish of both body and intellect this morn. Off the top of my sloggy head:
I got no problems with advertisements on blogs, nor when I think about it, a "tip jar."
It WOULD be nice to get/give a few bucks when a blogger cranks out a really good post.
Really, it's none of my business who asks for money and who chooses to give money on blogs.
To each their own.
But hey:
I have well over $2K in debt, not including my mortgage. (It's considerably higher than that, but I'm embarrassed to name how much.) It causes me lots and lots of stress, this debt. I would like it gone.
AnnaZu get spayed on July 9th -- will cost me over $400.
My hours are also getting cut on July 1.
(Don't forget I am underpaid at work.)
We've promised The Pea an overnight trip to Boston for her birthday on June 30 -- more money.
Sometimes I write a pretty good post.
Often, I insert Funny into my posts.
I give you lots of kitten pictures.
I have a bunch of doc visits over the next 2 months, at a $25 co-pay.
We need an air conditioner and AnnaZu have long, hot fur!
I have zero dollars in my personal savings.
We haven't visited my husband's family/The Pea's other grandmother 1000 miles away in 8 years.
My mortgage just increased by $500 bucks.
I want a horse.
I need new running shoes.
Someone Pimped my Ride and I need $$ to depimp it -- I can't fit The Pea in the backseat anymore due to the size of those bass-boomin' woofers (or is it tweeters?)
Two words: gas prices.
I can't afford my therapist anymore, at $45 bucks a session. I don't feel I need therapy at the moment, but what if I do?
I am out of reading material and my library is open only at weird-ass hours.
Our kitchen and living room SERIOUSLY need to be overhauled. I HAVE DIRTY SUNFLOWER WALLPAPER IN MY KITCHEN, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. And no built-in shelving for our TV, books, PlayStation and model horses. It causes me great pains.
I would like to quit my job and do one of the following:
1. Go back to school for a Masters/PhD in Social Work or Psych because wow, wouldn't it be the cat's ass to be a therapist who specialized in eating disorders because so many therapists who claim to have a clue have only a clue? I'm an excellent student, by the way, and very smart!
2. Obtain my certification in Therapeutic Riding -although it's a huge gamble that once I obtain this I will be able to find a position.
3. Work for fun and exercise at a stable with enough Magical Money coming in from somewhere to supplement my meagre groom income and pay for insurance.
I deserve every bit of the above.
I have a PayPal account, set up and ready to go.
If ya'll help me out, I promise to provide regular blog updates on What I Am Doing With Your Money.
Except, wait: I said I'd never accept cash.
You may send the money to The Walrus who will, as good friends do, force the money into my shaking, grateful hands as we unite in sisterhood under the moon. (The Walrus needs some new art supplies, a new sun porch and a lifetime supply of butter!)
The point being, well hell: we all need money.
What defines a "good cause" from a frivolous cause?
A worthy blogger from a not-so-worthy blogger?
And how do you know any of the above is true?
(I promise you The Walrus' butter need is crucial! I've seen her in a Walrus Rage when butterless!)
How do you know I am who I say I am?
How do you know I would use the money for any of the above?
I might take your money and buy Purple Ass Dye, for all you know.
(All the above is true, except the Pimp Mobile (and I suppose, my desire for a purple ass).
I did, however, burn a cigarette hole in the back seat and it looks very bad.)
PS. On the blogger with The Cancer with the son who was asking for help: no problems have I in this case at all. I know of this blogger and also of the stupid controversy that arose and think
1. Sending money to this person was a good thing
2. The Controversy was utter crap.
Edit Two off.
I have to say it although I may get some shit for this one.
Do you know what I hate?
When bloggers appeal to their readers for money, complete with ready-to-go PayPal accounts.
There could be exceptions, say in the case when their is NO DOUBT -- and I mean ZERO DOUBT -- that the blogger is absolutely who they say they are and NO DOUBT that the circumstances that have led them to ask for money are 100% true. It would help also, if the money was needed for something truly important.
Jeezum crow.
Do you know how many times I've needed cash?
Do you know how many times I could have casually dropped the email addy of my PayPal account, after filling "my readers" in on the financial woes of my life???
Better yet, I could have recruited a commenter -- or created the identity of a Caring Commenter myself, who said "Kim would never ask for this, but to those of you who care, I have set up a PayPal account for her at bleedingheartsucker@hotmail.com."
Let me tell you, if any reader ever offered me a dime, I would not take it.
Not out of pride, but because to me, it just ain't right.
I do not fully trust a blogging or commenting soul in the blogosphere that I have not personally met face to face.
And neither should you.
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that there is a blogger who is currently asking readers to contribute to her PayPal account at this very moment.
Would you believe me if I said I wrote this post before I knew about this post?
Me either.
But then, I'm The Tally Ho, an Unwoman, a TeeHeeFunFeminist, so what do I know?
firma de contabilitate,
traduceri autorizate
Just Because
Jaslene Gonzalez, America's Next Top Model winner Cycle 8
I'm late on this, but just stumbled across this post by Faith: WeHateChildren.
Well done, Faith. Because over-the-top child haters upset me so greatly and because any further discussion might make me say something I'll regret, I'll just leave it at that.
Other News You Really Care About: I am working on a bastard of a post which is giving me problems. Saved as Draft until and if I can rein it in.
Should I feel guilty about purchasing a pedigreed cat when pet overpopulation is such an issue?If you are purchasing from a reputable breeder the answer is a resounding NO.
Without responsible breeders many of the beautiful breeds you see in magazines, TV, and at cat shows would be extinct. Yes, extinct. It is estimated that pedigreed cats account for only 8% of the cat population. Responsible and reputable breeders are bettering their chosen breed by breeding only the best of their breed. They are doing their part to end overpopulation by selling their kittens on non breeding agreements that require spaying/neutering of their pet kittens or practicing early spay/neutering.
Reputable breeders carefully screen their adopters to help to ensure their cats will live a long happy life in a forever home and don't wind up in a shelter. When you purchase a pedigreed cat from a reputable breeder you are supporting the breed you love and helping to ensure the breed is here and healthy for a long time to come. Now that's something to feel good about!!
Only buy a PEDIGREED kitten from a responsible and ethical breeder! Do NOT buy from a breeder that is only breeding cats to make money, or a commercial large type "cattery" or a pet store!
AnnaZu get spayed on July 9th. I had to sign a breeding contract. There will be no kittens for AnnaZu. I don't mind that part -- cats in heat (shudder) and God knows I could never part with any of their kittens, so I'd never want to breed them.
But I am dreading, dreading, dreading the 9th.
Little Girl, gone in November, Doud gone in March.
I know, it's a routine operation but you never know. I've had very bad luck in vet hospitals lately. Everything dies.
If anything happens to them, I don't think I could bear it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Happy Paris is Free Day!
Hollywood's Wasting Epidemic Continues

Photo is from TheSkinnyWebsite. There is talk in the comments that the above photo of Ms. J was photo shopped. I doubt it. Even so, there's no question the girl is thin:
The yellow dress picture is also posted on gossip site Dlisted. What I find most interesting in these posts, per usual, are the comments. Of course, God only knows who these people commenting are. They could be 10-year olds, for all I know.
Paradoxical Bunny, at Dlisted, says: "The person who aspires to this body type is caught in a vortex of raging, obsessive, self-hatred, and is playing a starvation game that cannot be won - because, short of kickin it in a casket, there is no "thin enough", right? ... If only anos could know how loudly it screams to the rest of us how insecure and self-loathing they really are, and how precisely the opposite of appealing, attractive, successful and sexual that whole persona really is. Sad? yes. But personally I find it ignorant. IMHO, of course."
("Anos?") When a person with an ED gets as skinny as Jaslene, s/he is far beyond caring about if the general population finds bones attractive. In fact, often s/he will dress to hide this thinness exactly so ass backward, armchair psychs like Bunny Freud won't feel a need to comment on her/his appearance. Folks with EDs know very well, thank you, about "insecurity" and especially "self loathing." "If only Anos could know," my ass. If only people with EDs could not know. IMHO, of course.
Conky (Dlisted) says: "Give that poor girl a sammich."
Miss Priss (Dlisted): "Damn bitch, eat an eggroll or three!
Aimz (Dlisted): "Someone give her a steak or something!"
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "She needs some Tiger's Milk bars and a Protein shake."
Zeenie (Dlisted): "Tyra needs to take this ho to dinner."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I feel like sending her some money for a meal."
Kelly (Skinny):"I just want to give her an apple or something."
Here we go again with the "Eat a hamburger already!" thing. As overused and as unclever as "LOL! I think I just peed myself a little" or "Ew! I threw up in my mouth a little." (I hate the cutesy "sammich" used by adults. Where does this come from? I never said "sammich" as a child, ever. ) I don't know why these types of comments annoy me so. I guess it feels a bit like saying "Why doesn't she just leave?" to a woman in a DV situation or "Why don't they just get a job?" to a homeless person.
Like it's that easy, that neatly solved.
Rose Petal (Dlisted): "Why the hell would they let an anorexic, ugly girl win? Tyra is always saying how we should love ourselves and embrace our bodies, but obviously this chick does not, or she wouldn't have an eating disorder."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I vow to never watch that show or support Tyra Banks again. I have never seen a bigger hypocrite. After she gained weight and was made fun of by the tabloids, she tried to act all self righteous. She was all about the 'younger women that look up to her,' and how her being called fat might make them feel insecure about themselves. I think she has a big say in who gets the winning title, and this is very disappointing."
J (Skinny): "LOL, honestly, what tyra has done is shameful. first, defending plus size girls on her television talkshow, talking about how proud she is to be thicker, to embrace all sizes. THEN, adding plus size girls to ANTM and booting them off almost immediately–while allowing the obviously anorexic one to win. i wonder what tyra will have to say for herself when this girl ends up inpatient!! she made a HUGE mistake, here. she has a lot of repairing to do if she plans to continue promoting a healthy body/image. I BET the next ANTM winner WILL be plus size. i just bet."
There's some truth to this line of thinking, isn't there? What is up with all of that, Tyra?
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "Who gives a fuck, let the bitch starve to death. That's what I say to anyone who is idiotic & ill enough to deny themselves food. Ditto for the fatties who can't keep away from the donuts. There are more serious issues in this world. Eating disorders are very selfish. I do not deny it's an illness, but it's extremely self-centered. Get therapy, quit thinking about your [GD] food intake and go volunteer at a shelter. There are others who need far greater help. Ok, rant is over."
Okay, Heartie, what you've just said is basically "I do not deny bipolar disorder, diabetes, etc. is an illness but it's extremely-self centered." (???) It's okay, though: even though you appear a dickhead, Heartie, what with "let the bitch starve to death" and "fatties" and "idiotic" and whatnot, you are clearly Mother Teresa in disguise with your volunteer shelter work and concern for those who need "greater help."
Josie (Skinny): "So we should all accept women who are 'curvy,' but as soon as a girl is too thin for your personal liking, 'Eww! Gross! No one should hire someone like that, she must be anorexic!' If you preach size-acceptance, practice it. I saw this season, and in my opinion she’s naturally thin. She’s young and I know many women in their early twenty’s and late teens who are still what you guys would call 'skeletal.' "
There is something to this last one as well.
Here's something else: maybe some good has come out of the media's love affair with too thin women. Maybe extremely thin women like Jaslene and Nicole Richie have finally brought us to our senses?

Paradoxical Bunny, at Dlisted, says: "The person who aspires to this body type is caught in a vortex of raging, obsessive, self-hatred, and is playing a starvation game that cannot be won - because, short of kickin it in a casket, there is no "thin enough", right? ... If only anos could know how loudly it screams to the rest of us how insecure and self-loathing they really are, and how precisely the opposite of appealing, attractive, successful and sexual that whole persona really is. Sad? yes. But personally I find it ignorant. IMHO, of course."
("Anos?") When a person with an ED gets as skinny as Jaslene, s/he is far beyond caring about if the general population finds bones attractive. In fact, often s/he will dress to hide this thinness exactly so ass backward, armchair psychs like Bunny Freud won't feel a need to comment on her/his appearance. Folks with EDs know very well, thank you, about "insecurity" and especially "self loathing." "If only Anos could know," my ass. If only people with EDs could not know. IMHO, of course.
Conky (Dlisted) says: "Give that poor girl a sammich."
Miss Priss (Dlisted): "Damn bitch, eat an eggroll or three!
Aimz (Dlisted): "Someone give her a steak or something!"
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "She needs some Tiger's Milk bars and a Protein shake."
Zeenie (Dlisted): "Tyra needs to take this ho to dinner."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I feel like sending her some money for a meal."
Kelly (Skinny):"I just want to give her an apple or something."
Here we go again with the "Eat a hamburger already!" thing. As overused and as unclever as "LOL! I think I just peed myself a little" or "Ew! I threw up in my mouth a little." (I hate the cutesy "sammich" used by adults. Where does this come from? I never said "sammich" as a child, ever. ) I don't know why these types of comments annoy me so. I guess it feels a bit like saying "Why doesn't she just leave?" to a woman in a DV situation or "Why don't they just get a job?" to a homeless person.
Like it's that easy, that neatly solved.
Rose Petal (Dlisted): "Why the hell would they let an anorexic, ugly girl win? Tyra is always saying how we should love ourselves and embrace our bodies, but obviously this chick does not, or she wouldn't have an eating disorder."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I vow to never watch that show or support Tyra Banks again. I have never seen a bigger hypocrite. After she gained weight and was made fun of by the tabloids, she tried to act all self righteous. She was all about the 'younger women that look up to her,' and how her being called fat might make them feel insecure about themselves. I think she has a big say in who gets the winning title, and this is very disappointing."
J (Skinny): "LOL, honestly, what tyra has done is shameful. first, defending plus size girls on her television talkshow, talking about how proud she is to be thicker, to embrace all sizes. THEN, adding plus size girls to ANTM and booting them off almost immediately–while allowing the obviously anorexic one to win. i wonder what tyra will have to say for herself when this girl ends up inpatient!! she made a HUGE mistake, here. she has a lot of repairing to do if she plans to continue promoting a healthy body/image. I BET the next ANTM winner WILL be plus size. i just bet."
There's some truth to this line of thinking, isn't there? What is up with all of that, Tyra?
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "Who gives a fuck, let the bitch starve to death. That's what I say to anyone who is idiotic & ill enough to deny themselves food. Ditto for the fatties who can't keep away from the donuts. There are more serious issues in this world. Eating disorders are very selfish. I do not deny it's an illness, but it's extremely self-centered. Get therapy, quit thinking about your [GD] food intake and go volunteer at a shelter. There are others who need far greater help. Ok, rant is over."
Okay, Heartie, what you've just said is basically "I do not deny bipolar disorder, diabetes, etc. is an illness but it's extremely-self centered." (???) It's okay, though: even though you appear a dickhead, Heartie, what with "let the bitch starve to death" and "fatties" and "idiotic" and whatnot, you are clearly Mother Teresa in disguise with your volunteer shelter work and concern for those who need "greater help."
Josie (Skinny): "So we should all accept women who are 'curvy,' but as soon as a girl is too thin for your personal liking, 'Eww! Gross! No one should hire someone like that, she must be anorexic!' If you preach size-acceptance, practice it. I saw this season, and in my opinion she’s naturally thin. She’s young and I know many women in their early twenty’s and late teens who are still what you guys would call 'skeletal.' "
There is something to this last one as well.
In order to escape scrutiny, it appears a woman must be exactly "just right."
Except, of course, there's no such thing.
"Just right" is too fat for some, too thin for others.
Except, of course, there's no such thing.
"Just right" is too fat for some, too thin for others.
Too bad we can't all just mind our own bodies.
I continue to be fascinated by the contradiction found in the argument that too-thin celebrities contribute to eating disorders and body hatred in women but that, regardless, over 60% of Americans are overweight. It doesn't make sense. If the media's love affair with skinny women is so damaging, why are so many of us overweight? (That said, Yo-yo dieting, diet fads, bulimia, very low calorie diets and other unhealthy methods of weight loss do mess up effective metabolism. An argument could be presented that the media emphasis on thin, as well as the weight-loss industry, directly effects obesity levels in this way.)Here's something else: maybe some good has come out of the media's love affair with too thin women. Maybe extremely thin women like Jaslene and Nicole Richie have finally brought us to our senses?
I read all of the comments in the two Jaslene threads. They were, by far, of the "She's way to thin/disgusting" opinion. There's no way all of these folks are "Just jealous!" Because, with the exception of that damn Twiggy, never before have models and actresses been so thin.
Perhaps this extreme thin could be the beginning of the end of the too thin ideal?Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Hating Children
I'm late on this, but just stumbled across this post by Faith: WeHateChildren.
Well done, Faith. Because over-the-top child haters upset me so greatly and because any further discussion might make me say something I'll regret, I'll just leave it at that.
Other News You Really Care About: I am working on a bastard of a post which is giving me problems. Saved as Draft until and if I can rein it in.
Labels: Blog Props, Child
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Just Because
Should I feel guilty about purchasing a pedigreed cat when pet overpopulation is such an issue?If you are purchasing from a reputable breeder the answer is a resounding NO.
Without responsible breeders many of the beautiful breeds you see in magazines, TV, and at cat shows would be extinct. Yes, extinct. It is estimated that pedigreed cats account for only 8% of the cat population. Responsible and reputable breeders are bettering their chosen breed by breeding only the best of their breed. They are doing their part to end overpopulation by selling their kittens on non breeding agreements that require spaying/neutering of their pet kittens or practicing early spay/neutering.
Reputable breeders carefully screen their adopters to help to ensure their cats will live a long happy life in a forever home and don't wind up in a shelter. When you purchase a pedigreed cat from a reputable breeder you are supporting the breed you love and helping to ensure the breed is here and healthy for a long time to come. Now that's something to feel good about!!
Only buy a PEDIGREED kitten from a responsible and ethical breeder! Do NOT buy from a breeder that is only breeding cats to make money, or a commercial large type "cattery" or a pet store!
AnnaZu get spayed on July 9th. I had to sign a breeding contract. There will be no kittens for AnnaZu. I don't mind that part -- cats in heat (shudder) and God knows I could never part with any of their kittens, so I'd never want to breed them.
But I am dreading, dreading, dreading the 9th.
Little Girl, gone in November, Doud gone in March.
I know, it's a routine operation but you never know. I've had very bad luck in vet hospitals lately. Everything dies.
If anything happens to them, I don't think I could bear it.
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Hollywood's Wasting Epidemic Continues
Jaslene Gonzalez, America's Next Top Model winner Cycle 8
Photo is from TheSkinnyWebsite. There is talk in the comments that the above photo of Ms. J was photo shopped. I doubt it. Even so, there's no question the girl is thin:
The yellow dress picture is also posted on gossip site Dlisted. What I find most interesting in these posts, per usual, are the comments. Of course, God only knows who these people commenting are. They could be 10-year olds, for all I know.
Paradoxical Bunny, at Dlisted, says: "The person who aspires to this body type is caught in a vortex of raging, obsessive, self-hatred, and is playing a starvation game that cannot be won - because, short of kickin it in a casket, there is no "thin enough", right? ... If only anos could know how loudly it screams to the rest of us how insecure and self-loathing they really are, and how precisely the opposite of appealing, attractive, successful and sexual that whole persona really is. Sad? yes. But personally I find it ignorant. IMHO, of course."
("Anos?") When a person with an ED gets as skinny as Jaslene, s/he is far beyond caring about if the general population finds bones attractive. In fact, often s/he will dress to hide this thinness exactly so ass backward, armchair psychs like Bunny Freud won't feel a need to comment on her/his appearance. Folks with EDs know very well, thank you, about "insecurity" and especially "self loathing." "If only Anos could know," my ass. If only people with EDs could not know. IMHO, of course.
Conky (Dlisted) says: "Give that poor girl a sammich."
Miss Priss (Dlisted): "Damn bitch, eat an eggroll or three!
Aimz (Dlisted): "Someone give her a steak or something!"
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "She needs some Tiger's Milk bars and a Protein shake."
Zeenie (Dlisted): "Tyra needs to take this ho to dinner."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I feel like sending her some money for a meal."
Kelly (Skinny):"I just want to give her an apple or something."
Here we go again with the "Eat a hamburger already!" thing. As overused and as unclever as "LOL! I think I just peed myself a little" or "Ew! I threw up in my mouth a little." (I hate the cutesy "sammich" used by adults. Where does this come from? I never said "sammich" as a child, ever. ) I don't know why these types of comments annoy me so. I guess it feels a bit like saying "Why doesn't she just leave?" to a woman in a DV situation or "Why don't they just get a job?" to a homeless person.
Like it's that easy, that neatly solved.
Rose Petal (Dlisted): "Why the hell would they let an anorexic, ugly girl win? Tyra is always saying how we should love ourselves and embrace our bodies, but obviously this chick does not, or she wouldn't have an eating disorder."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I vow to never watch that show or support Tyra Banks again. I have never seen a bigger hypocrite. After she gained weight and was made fun of by the tabloids, she tried to act all self righteous. She was all about the 'younger women that look up to her,' and how her being called fat might make them feel insecure about themselves. I think she has a big say in who gets the winning title, and this is very disappointing."
J (Skinny): "LOL, honestly, what tyra has done is shameful. first, defending plus size girls on her television talkshow, talking about how proud she is to be thicker, to embrace all sizes. THEN, adding plus size girls to ANTM and booting them off almost immediately–while allowing the obviously anorexic one to win. i wonder what tyra will have to say for herself when this girl ends up inpatient!! she made a HUGE mistake, here. she has a lot of repairing to do if she plans to continue promoting a healthy body/image. I BET the next ANTM winner WILL be plus size. i just bet."
There's some truth to this line of thinking, isn't there? What is up with all of that, Tyra?
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "Who gives a fuck, let the bitch starve to death. That's what I say to anyone who is idiotic & ill enough to deny themselves food. Ditto for the fatties who can't keep away from the donuts. There are more serious issues in this world. Eating disorders are very selfish. I do not deny it's an illness, but it's extremely self-centered. Get therapy, quit thinking about your [GD] food intake and go volunteer at a shelter. There are others who need far greater help. Ok, rant is over."
Okay, Heartie, what you've just said is basically "I do not deny bipolar disorder, diabetes, etc. is an illness but it's extremely-self centered." (???) It's okay, though: even though you appear a dickhead, Heartie, what with "let the bitch starve to death" and "fatties" and "idiotic" and whatnot, you are clearly Mother Teresa in disguise with your volunteer shelter work and concern for those who need "greater help."
Josie (Skinny): "So we should all accept women who are 'curvy,' but as soon as a girl is too thin for your personal liking, 'Eww! Gross! No one should hire someone like that, she must be anorexic!' If you preach size-acceptance, practice it. I saw this season, and in my opinion she’s naturally thin. She’s young and I know many women in their early twenty’s and late teens who are still what you guys would call 'skeletal.' "
There is something to this last one as well.
Here's something else: maybe some good has come out of the media's love affair with too thin women. Maybe extremely thin women like Jaslene and Nicole Richie have finally brought us to our senses?

Paradoxical Bunny, at Dlisted, says: "The person who aspires to this body type is caught in a vortex of raging, obsessive, self-hatred, and is playing a starvation game that cannot be won - because, short of kickin it in a casket, there is no "thin enough", right? ... If only anos could know how loudly it screams to the rest of us how insecure and self-loathing they really are, and how precisely the opposite of appealing, attractive, successful and sexual that whole persona really is. Sad? yes. But personally I find it ignorant. IMHO, of course."
("Anos?") When a person with an ED gets as skinny as Jaslene, s/he is far beyond caring about if the general population finds bones attractive. In fact, often s/he will dress to hide this thinness exactly so ass backward, armchair psychs like Bunny Freud won't feel a need to comment on her/his appearance. Folks with EDs know very well, thank you, about "insecurity" and especially "self loathing." "If only Anos could know," my ass. If only people with EDs could not know. IMHO, of course.
Conky (Dlisted) says: "Give that poor girl a sammich."
Miss Priss (Dlisted): "Damn bitch, eat an eggroll or three!
Aimz (Dlisted): "Someone give her a steak or something!"
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "She needs some Tiger's Milk bars and a Protein shake."
Zeenie (Dlisted): "Tyra needs to take this ho to dinner."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I feel like sending her some money for a meal."
Kelly (Skinny):"I just want to give her an apple or something."
Here we go again with the "Eat a hamburger already!" thing. As overused and as unclever as "LOL! I think I just peed myself a little" or "Ew! I threw up in my mouth a little." (I hate the cutesy "sammich" used by adults. Where does this come from? I never said "sammich" as a child, ever. ) I don't know why these types of comments annoy me so. I guess it feels a bit like saying "Why doesn't she just leave?" to a woman in a DV situation or "Why don't they just get a job?" to a homeless person.
Like it's that easy, that neatly solved.
Rose Petal (Dlisted): "Why the hell would they let an anorexic, ugly girl win? Tyra is always saying how we should love ourselves and embrace our bodies, but obviously this chick does not, or she wouldn't have an eating disorder."
Rebetta (Skinny): "I vow to never watch that show or support Tyra Banks again. I have never seen a bigger hypocrite. After she gained weight and was made fun of by the tabloids, she tried to act all self righteous. She was all about the 'younger women that look up to her,' and how her being called fat might make them feel insecure about themselves. I think she has a big say in who gets the winning title, and this is very disappointing."
J (Skinny): "LOL, honestly, what tyra has done is shameful. first, defending plus size girls on her television talkshow, talking about how proud she is to be thicker, to embrace all sizes. THEN, adding plus size girls to ANTM and booting them off almost immediately–while allowing the obviously anorexic one to win. i wonder what tyra will have to say for herself when this girl ends up inpatient!! she made a HUGE mistake, here. she has a lot of repairing to do if she plans to continue promoting a healthy body/image. I BET the next ANTM winner WILL be plus size. i just bet."
There's some truth to this line of thinking, isn't there? What is up with all of that, Tyra?
iHeartHaters (Dlisted): "Who gives a fuck, let the bitch starve to death. That's what I say to anyone who is idiotic & ill enough to deny themselves food. Ditto for the fatties who can't keep away from the donuts. There are more serious issues in this world. Eating disorders are very selfish. I do not deny it's an illness, but it's extremely self-centered. Get therapy, quit thinking about your [GD] food intake and go volunteer at a shelter. There are others who need far greater help. Ok, rant is over."
Okay, Heartie, what you've just said is basically "I do not deny bipolar disorder, diabetes, etc. is an illness but it's extremely-self centered." (???) It's okay, though: even though you appear a dickhead, Heartie, what with "let the bitch starve to death" and "fatties" and "idiotic" and whatnot, you are clearly Mother Teresa in disguise with your volunteer shelter work and concern for those who need "greater help."
Josie (Skinny): "So we should all accept women who are 'curvy,' but as soon as a girl is too thin for your personal liking, 'Eww! Gross! No one should hire someone like that, she must be anorexic!' If you preach size-acceptance, practice it. I saw this season, and in my opinion she’s naturally thin. She’s young and I know many women in their early twenty’s and late teens who are still what you guys would call 'skeletal.' "
There is something to this last one as well.
In order to escape scrutiny, it appears a woman must be exactly "just right."
Except, of course, there's no such thing.
"Just right" is too fat for some, too thin for others.
Except, of course, there's no such thing.
"Just right" is too fat for some, too thin for others.
Too bad we can't all just mind our own bodies.
I continue to be fascinated by the contradiction found in the argument that too-thin celebrities contribute to eating disorders and body hatred in women but that, regardless, over 60% of Americans are overweight. It doesn't make sense. If the media's love affair with skinny women is so damaging, why are so many of us overweight? (That said, Yo-yo dieting, diet fads, bulimia, very low calorie diets and other unhealthy methods of weight loss do mess up effective metabolism. An argument could be presented that the media emphasis on thin, as well as the weight-loss industry, directly effects obesity levels in this way.)Here's something else: maybe some good has come out of the media's love affair with too thin women. Maybe extremely thin women like Jaslene and Nicole Richie have finally brought us to our senses?
I read all of the comments in the two Jaslene threads. They were, by far, of the "She's way to thin/disgusting" opinion. There's no way all of these folks are "Just jealous!" Because, with the exception of that damn Twiggy, never before have models and actresses been so thin.
Perhaps this extreme thin could be the beginning of the end of the too thin ideal?
Eating Disorders,
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